Living in the mountains with a close group of mates enjoying back–to–back winters, hemisphere hopping, goggle tans, après fun and much more! Why wouldn’t you want to swap your current existence for the opportunity of a lifetime? It sounds like the best job in the world and we certainly think it is.There are many different pathways you can follow to achieve a ski or snowboard instructor certification. The vast majority of people look toward a training provider for a comprehensive, well-managed, all-inclusive package. There are multiple providers on the market offering variety of program and certification options. Most, if not all will help you achieve your certification, but (and this is an IMPORTANT but) very few will have the resources to place you into an actual employment position once qualified.
Our courses were developed with this predicament in mind. By guaranteeing a job offer with each of our internship courses we give you the necessary tools you need to be successful in the industry. Not only will you train and qualify as an internationally recognised instructor but we will place you into employment in the same resort directly after qualification. That means you will be teaching in a busy and vibrant school and earning money in your dream job within weeks of starting the course.
Learn more about instructor courses with guaranteed jobs.